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Entprima Live | Pop Lounge Dance MusicDuo


18. April 2019

This is your life

What about / Background:
Deutsch: Verbringe deine Zeit mit Menschen die du liebst und mit denen du gern Zeit verbringst. Es ist immer noch dein Leben. 

English: Spend your time with people you love and with whom you enjoy spending time. It’s still your life.

Highlights (Lyrics / Music):
Deutsch: „This is your Life“ haben wir im Februar 2021 als reine Piano- und Gesangsversion neu aufgenommen, weil wir einen Hotelbar-Track für unseren Imagefilm brauchten. Und dann ist das Musikstück so krass geworden, dass wir … hier mehr erfahren und hören

We re-recorded „This is your Life“ in February 2021 as pure piano- and vocalversion because we needed a hotel-bar track for our corporate film. And then the piece of music got so awesome that we … find out more and hear more here

Every day a day to realize.
Every day a chance to make it right.
It’s your only life to decorate,
so colourful and passionate.
Open your eyes and let it streaming in.

Every day a day you can invite.
All your friends for the unforgettable night.
Do not wait for opportunities.
Do not waste your life with stupid things.
Close your eyes, you’re deeply breathing in.

Now it’s time to go, ready for the show,
i would say let’s go.

This is your life, let’s raise the overdrive.
We take a chance, get close to close to dance.
This is your li-i-ife, the overdri-i-ive, the overdrive.

Every day a morning to succed.
Oh, every day a moment you should keep.
And create your time as beautiful,
behold the things you’re loving so.
Got out and spread, joy to all your friends.

Now it’s time to go, ready for the show,
i would say let’s go,

This is your life, let’s raise the overdrive.
We take a chance get close to close to dance.
This is your li-i-i-fe, the overdri-i-ive, the overdrive.
The overdrive, the overdrive, the over.
The overdrive, the overdrive, the over.

Now it’s time to go for you and me.
Cause your place is waiting just for me.
For you and me.



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