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Entprima Live | Pop Lounge Dance MusicDuo


7. Juni 2019

Roads to Neverland

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What about / Background:
Deutsch: Manchmal ist des Leben oder der Weg, den man geht, nebelig. Auch, wenn man Umweg gehen muss, darf man niemals vergessen, dass es das Eigene ist. Niemals aufhören zu träumen und folge deinem roten Faden.

Sometimes life or the path one goes is foggy. Even if you have to take a detour, you must never forget that it is your own. Never stop dreaming and follow your red thread.

Highlights (Lyrics / Music):


Mix- and Mastering
Frank Böster (Behind the Couch Studio)

Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bow.
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bow.
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du bi bi sabba wabbn du bow.

I ́m taking a ride, a hop in the slide,
a view to the unknown.
I ́m walking the path, in the coach with a scarf,
through the fog to the unknown.

A storm is ahead, but I don ́t see red,
excited by the unknown.
I follow my thread, the path is ahead,
but it stays in to the unknown.

To the unknown. To the unknown. To the unknown.

Hello my Friend(s) – It’s me.
Just take care of your waking mind in your own body.
Never stop the
flow of your deepest dreams.
You know it means to much pain, pressure and tears.
Follow your dreams. Just let it
This is your thread. It’s your passion, your path.
This is your life. It’s your way, It’s your path,
This is your Road to Neverland.

An adventure to the Neverland,
our highlife at the Neverland.
We take the road to the Neverland.
An adventure to the Neverland,
our highlife at the Neverland.

We take the road to the Neverland.
To the Neverland, ah ah.
To the Neverland, ah ah.
The Neverland.

Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bow.
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bow.
Sabba du wap bu da bu wabbn du bay,
Sabba du bi bi sabba wabbn du bow.



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