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Sway You Down

What about / Background:
Ein herrlicher Wintertag. Und ab geht’s auf die Skipiste. Du schwingst dich nach unten, wie im Rausch. Immer und immer wieder. Deine Hüften kreisen dabei im Takt. Auf der Skihütte legst du eine Pause ein. Aus den Lautsprechern ertönt der Dance-Pop-Song „Sway You Down“. Es wird getanzt. Deine Beine schmerzen ein bisschen. Aber egal. Welche Piste ist die Nächste? Treffe deine Wahl: blau, rot oder schwarz.

A wonderful winter day. And you go skiing. You swing down, as if intoxicated. Over and over again. Your hips circle in time. You take a break at the ski lodge. From the speakers the dance pop song „Sway You Down“ sounds. Some are dancing. Your legs hurt a bit. But no matter. Which ski slope is the next one? Take your choice of the track blue, red or black.

Highlights (Lyrics / Music):


Snowflakes in the sky makes me very high.
You shouldn’t get me in the way.
A tough burn in the thigh.
A feeling that satis

Uh – Ah

Sway you down, curve around.
Swing your hips in the snow with this sound.
Step aside, look around.
Sway down on the slope.

The hut is burning hot.
The speed is like a drug.
Don’t care about aching legs.
Down again what’s next.

Spread your arms for the run.
Jump into the fun.
Take your choice of the track,
blue red or black,

Uh – Ah

Sway you down, curve around.
Swing your hips in the snow with this sound.
Step aside, look around.
Sway down on the slope.

The hut is burning hot.
The speed is like a drug.
Don’t care about aching legs.
Down again what’s next.

We‘re in the snow. We‘re in the snow.

jump, jump, jump, jump
ba dabm ba da bow

The hut is burning hot.
The speed is like a drug.
Don’t care about aching legs.
Down again what’s next.



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